This is a personal space, mainly photos, but expect some ramblings mixed with occasional gibberish. The home for various things that interest me that I thought I’d share irrelevant of anyone actually listening.
If it’s of interest I am a big believer in the power of experience, therefore I have a few tales to tell, from interesting places, met some amazing people and tried to found the boundaries and step over on almost too many occasions.
I grew up living in the countryside mostly on the coast, as a kid I always thought I would live on a boat, never in a city and couldn’t imagine getting married of having children. I now live as far from the coast as you can possibly get in the UK, with my Wife and Daughter after living in London for 13 years. It’s never simple but it can be simply amazing.
My job, it’s not me but it is what I do, I have worked on the web since it was release to the public in the early 90’s, I first started using the internet in ’84, yes it was in use then. I am immersed in code, technology and gadgets, yet if it were just choice I would be living on a beach in the South Pacific with my family and surfboard.
Can’t imagine why you are still reading this, surely you can go find a cat video or fail collection?